Tuesday, January 23, 2024

 165 Chập chờn cn tnh cn mê.

166 Rốn ngồi chẳng tiện, dứt về chn khôn. 

167  Bóng tà như gic cn buồn,
168  Khách đà lên ngựa, người còn nghé theo. 

169 Dưới cầu nước chy trong veo,

170 Bên cầu tơ liễu bóng chiều thướt tha. 

171 Kiều từ trở gót trướng hoa,
172 M
ặt trời gác núi chiêng đà thu không.

173  Gương nga chênh chếch dòm song,
174 Vàng gieo ng
ấn nước, cây lồng bóng sân.

175 Hđường lả ngđông lân,
176  Gi
t sương gieo nặng cành xuân la đà

177 Một mình lặng ngắm bóng nga,
178 R
ộđường gần với nỗi xa bời bời: 

179 Người mà đến thế thì thôi,

180 Đời phồn hoa cng là đời bỏ đi!
181  Ng
ườđâu gặp gỡ làm chi,
182 Trăm năm biết có duyên gì hay không? 

183 Ngổn ngang trm mối bên lòng,
184 Nên câu tuy
ệt diệu ngụ trong tính tình.

185 Chênh chênh bóng nguyệt xế mành,
186 T
ựa nương bên triện một mình thiu thiu. 

187 Thoắđâu thấy một tiểu kiều,
188 Có chi
ều thanh vận, có chiều thanh tân. 

189 Sương in mặt, tuyết pha thân,

190 Sen vàng lãng đãng như gần như xa. 

191 Chào mừng đón hi dò la:

192 Đào nguyên lc lốđâu mà đếđây? 

193 Tha rằng: Thanh khí xa nay,
194 M
ới cùng nhau lúc ban ngày đã quên.

195 Hàn gia ở mé tây thiên,
196 D
ưới dòng nước chy bên trên có cầu. 

197 Mấy lòng hạ cố đến nhau,

198 Mấy lời hạ tứ ném châu gieo vàng. 


165  Now awake, now in reveries, they were both troubled deliciously.

166 Leaving was so difficult but lingering was not right.

167 Their parting became more poignant with the evening sight
168 The man had mounted, but still furtively following him were the girl’s eyes.

169  In the stream, crystal clear water was flowing by,

170  Near the bridge, a willow tree was undulating its hair in the sunset light.
171 When Kieu arrived home and got inside the floral curtains,
172  Gongs
21 were tolling the end of the day, and the sun was behind the mountains 

173 The crescent moon took an oblique look at her window,

174 Poured gold spangles on the water and on the yard, cast tree shadows.

175 A camellia was pointing its branch Eastward
176 While dew-heavy spring branches were swaying downward.

177 All alone, she contemplated the silver moon disk,
178 Recent emotions and reminiscences in turn bothered her wits.

179  “Such a pitiful end to a human being is really not right.

180  A life devoted to human vanities is undoubtedly a lost life.
181 Why did I have an encounter with a man so bright?
182 Between us, is there any conjugal affinity predetermined by God in the sky?” 

183 Hundreds of thoughts entangled in her mind
184 Were marvelously condensed into lyric lines with rimes

185 The oblique moonlight was now infiltrating the blinds,
Leaning against the balustrade, she was snoozing by.

187  Suddenly she saw a petite beauty, young in age,
188  Maiden in appearance and charming in gait.
189  Impregnated with dew was the face, and molded in snow, the body.

190  Now near, now far off, her little feet skimmed over the floor lightly. 

191 Kieu greeted her warmly, then bombarded her with inquiries,
192  “I wonder what has bought you here from your world of fairies?” 

193 The visitor replied, “We have been bound together by affinity.

194 We just met during the day but you seem to forget already.

195 My cold humble home is in the meadows, 

196 near A bridge that spans a stream West of here. 

197 You feel for me with a heart of gold
198 That I do not find in other persons at all.

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